Learn How to Ask for and Obtain Larger Gifts for Your Organization
We will assist you in becoming confident and effective in making one-on-one asks for larger gifts and fully fund your mission.

Do You Struggle With:
- Not knowing how to identify and ask high-capacity donors?
- Relying too much on many small gifts?
- Staff and volunteers all working separately and inefficiently?
- Feeling that you are under-performing when it comes to solicitation?
- Having to address fundraising alone?
Others tell you what to do. We show you how.
Confidence in What You Say and How You Ask
When it comes to making
one-on-one asks for larger gifts,
you’ll know both what to say and
how to say it with confidence.
one-on-one asks for larger gifts,
you’ll know both what to say and
how to say it with confidence.
Cultivating Both New and Existing Donor Relationships
Not only will you be able to
identify new donors, but you can
also obtain larger gifts from
existing donors.
identify new donors, but you can
also obtain larger gifts from
existing donors.
Position Yourself Among Top Fundraisers
Refocus your energy away from smaller gifts to asking for and acquiring larger ones.
We get it.
Sitting across from large-gift donors can be intimidating.
We understand the daunting feeling of meeting with high capacity donors. We know the apprehension that occurs when it comes time to ask for a large, specific gift.
Over the past two decades we have successfully helped countless fundraisers ask for and receive major and mega gifts to fund their cause.

Trusted By

How it Works

Select Classic
or Express
Whether attending by yourself or with your team, we provide specialized training that equips you to be confident, comfortable and effective with those large-gift asks.
Get Answers to
Your Questions
We will meet with you by phone to learn about your specific needs, allowing us to tailor our specialized training to give you the most benefit.
Review Your
Custom Proposal
We will fully define our services, scope, duration and price so there are no surprises and you can comfortably move forward.
Schedule Your
Once we get your Asking Academy scheduled, you can make sure that all key stakeholders can be present so everyone is well-prepared for those big asks.
Why Us?
At The Asking Academy, we know that you want to be
confident and effective at identifying and asking for large gifts for your charitable organization. In order to do that, you need specialized training in major gift solicitation.
confident and effective at identifying and asking for large gifts for your charitable organization. In order to do that, you need specialized training in major gift solicitation.
The problem you face is not knowing how to ask for those larger donations with confidence. You feel ill-equipped addressing large capacity donors and fearful that you may be turning them off with your approach. You may even be receiving current gifts while leaving money on the table from donors who could gladly give more.
We believe you can become skilled in knowing how to effectively and comfortably cultivate the relationships that allow you to ask for and obtain larger gifts.

For a more one-on-one approach check out Stroman & Associates
We show your charitable organization how to comfortably reach or exceed your campaign goal utilizing the entire team without taking focus away from the mission.